Ok, so recently I have not been keeping up with the blog and I of course blame it on the fact that I have no camera to post pictures (it's at the bottom of the lake) besides the one's on my mother's camera (in Texarkana) and on our phone's (I only can upload on my husband's computer that he is always using) therefore I am making an effort to have Ray when he is using his computer to upload all pictures we have from our phone's to the computer so I can go in and post them on the blog... so here we go... well start from the most recent and go from there. I'll give a description of what was going on from the beginning to the end but I probably could bet you would be able to guess why the pictures were taken and where! I hope this makes the grandma's happy...
As everyone knows that has seen Evan in person his hair looks as if we cut it on purpose to look like he has a Mohawk (we didn't of course it just grew this way) but Ray loves spiking it up after he gets out of the water at the lake especially now because it has gotten so long so it makes for a funny picture.
The next ones are from a golf tournament at Pinnacle Country Club that he and Chris Kestner played in. All proceeds when to benefit the Mercy foundation at the Mercy Hospital. He was very proud of one hole as you can see in the picture, which is sponsored by his company. They didn't win anything but had a great time for an excellent fundraiser.
The next one's are pretty easy to figure out... Fourth of July!!! We spent the entire weekend out at the lake (every weekend... lake rats of course) but this weekend was extra special for so many reason! Celebration of our freedom and rights as Americans. We all need to realize how wonderful we really have it, and take notice of what's going on in the country to make sure it stays that way!!! The weather was perfect and Evan did excellent during the firework display (he slept thru the entire show).
The next are from Sweet Aunt Mandy's birthday! We love you Aunt Mandy! We had to eat at Doe's (her favorite restaurant) and of course she wanted Evan to help her blow out the candles!
The rest are Random pictures from a few other event's that have taken place lately... hope you enjoy them!
I promise now that I am all caught up I will keep up the blog!
p.s. my birthday is coming up and I am asking for a new camera, so you will now by July 30 if my husband gets the hints or not!
Love and God bless,
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