Last Thursday we had another two week check-up - measuring "perfectly" as the Doctor would say and gaining the exact amount of weight at each weigh in so far. His heartbeat is typically ranging around 150 and still very active! The next appointment we will begin checking to see if I am starting to dialate. Ray is getting very anxious and ready for little Evan to arrive. I would post pictures of the nursery but there is still not much to see - we do have the bed, unfortunately it is still in the box waiting to be put together, the curtains, and bedding will hopefully be completing by the end of the month. After all of this is together and put up I will take pictures and post them so everyone that keeps asking can see them!
The pictures attached are from the game this weekend... we had a great time except for loosing too Ole Miss, oh well it gave all of us a chance to spend time together and put on a great tailgate/party! To everyone that stopped by thanks for stopping by it was great seeing you all and I hope you enjoy some of the pics - I wish we had taken more! Hope to see you all next weekend.