Here are some pictures of the boys tailgating before a game! We always have to bring at least 2 footballs and now even the dump trucks! So much fun and the Hogs are doing great!
The boys wanted to be Buzz and Woody this year for Halloween! They love watching Toy Story so when we asked them what they wanted to be they immediately said Buzz and Woody - so the entire family decided to be the Toys story gang! Ray was Woody, I was Jessie, and Daivs was little Alien! We had a great time riding the golf cart around. Mike, Kayla, and Ireland even came out with us to trick or treat!
We went to Mcgraw family pumpkin patch and had a blast. Evan loved pulling the wagon with Ray and Parker in it, and we got so many pumpkins. The boys had a great time crawling thru the hay maze, running around picking pumpkins, and Evan especially loved riding the horse pulls. Davis enjoyed as you can see just being carried around. Here are also pictures of the boys with their pumpkins. No cutting allowed (less mess) but they had just as much time! Halloween is on it's way!
Pictures of the tailgate at the football game! Enjoy - and yes we took all three boys to the games - Evan loved them, Parker Liked them, and Davis slept thru them! Great times!
I took the two boys with me up to the Tri-Delt house to visit some of our friends that we had helped go thru rush. It was a great time and the girls got the house that they really wanted! So happy for them! Enjoy the pictures - Parker and Davis chilling amongst the girls!