Here are some pictures of the boys tailgating before a game! We always have to bring at least 2 footballs and now even the dump trucks! So much fun and the Hogs are doing great!
The boys wanted to be Buzz and Woody this year for Halloween! They love watching Toy Story so when we asked them what they wanted to be they immediately said Buzz and Woody - so the entire family decided to be the Toys story gang! Ray was Woody, I was Jessie, and Daivs was little Alien! We had a great time riding the golf cart around. Mike, Kayla, and Ireland even came out with us to trick or treat!
We went to Mcgraw family pumpkin patch and had a blast. Evan loved pulling the wagon with Ray and Parker in it, and we got so many pumpkins. The boys had a great time crawling thru the hay maze, running around picking pumpkins, and Evan especially loved riding the horse pulls. Davis enjoyed as you can see just being carried around. Here are also pictures of the boys with their pumpkins. No cutting allowed (less mess) but they had just as much time! Halloween is on it's way!
Pictures of the tailgate at the football game! Enjoy - and yes we took all three boys to the games - Evan loved them, Parker Liked them, and Davis slept thru them! Great times!
I took the two boys with me up to the Tri-Delt house to visit some of our friends that we had helped go thru rush. It was a great time and the girls got the house that they really wanted! So happy for them! Enjoy the pictures - Parker and Davis chilling amongst the girls!
Wow it has been way to long!! All I can say is I have been busy! No excuse because now I am going to have to go back and put in all of the old post to catch me up! I am going to take the weekend putting up Christmas Decorations and catching up on the blog! I hope everyone is having a wonderful season and have a fabulous weekend getting prepared for the Thanksgiving week coming up! The boys are all doing great and I will for sure post pictures and post details about them all! God bless, and be ready for updating the blog! God Bless, Michelle
So my dads birthday was a few weeks ago and we celebrated it over dinner. While we were in Little Rock during the last trip, we had dinner with the Geoffrey's parents (my sister's fiancee) and my entire family. Dad was pretty surprised and the boys of course loved it! They got cake and got to blow the candles out! (We blow candles out about every night and sing happy birthday, whether its in a twinkie, cake or even bread my kids want to wish someone happy birthday - most of the time it's themselves). We had a great time and hope Papa had just as much fun! Happy Birthday Dad! Enjoy the pics God Bless, Michelle
So our little Davis is not so little now! At his 6 week appointment he weighed over 11 pounds. After I compared him to the other two boys I found out that he was about the same as they were but it just seemed so fast to me! He is in the 85 percentile for weight and 87 percent for height. He is already rolling over from his stomach to his back. He is smiling and making all of the adorable noises that I love! He loves bath time - it is so cute when you lay him in the water he smiles and starts to wiggle so much! Were so glad to have another water baby (not that he had much of a choice). Another thing is that when he is on the floor and playing on his mat, if he starts to cry and want attention all it takes is to send Parker and Evan over to him and he starts to smile. It is amazing how well the boys do with their little brother and how much they love him! I can't wait to watch them grow up together! Of course there have been so many funny, exciting, and over whelming moments with all three of them but for the most part now we can't imagine not having them all so close! I wouldn't change it for a minute! The love that is found in this home is amazing and you can feel it immediately when you walk in the door! Our little Davis has been such an easy addition to the entire thing and we are blessed so much with such an easy going baby! Enjoy the pictures! God Bless, Michelle
So I helped with the annual sorority rush this year. There were over a thousand girls going thru rush this year at the University of Arkansas. The quota was over 100! I took Parker and Davis to wish the girls congratulations that I had helped go thru rush! We were so excited for them. Going back to the campus and the house brings back some great memories! I had met my best friend Jamie at the house (so I had a little help with the boys) and we got to see the house along with seeing the list of great girls! Here are some pictures from the day! Congratulations all you new Tri-Delta girls! Were so proud of you and hope you make us proud! The boys definitely got a lot of attention! They were hugged and kissed by all of the new pledges! Davis was only a week and 1/2 old so many thought I was crazy for even being there but he did so well! He slept the entire time and was never out of my sight! Congratulations again to all of you! God Bless, Michelle Enjoy the pictures!