It seems like last week flew by and already this weekend as crept up on us way to fast! We really didn't do much last weekend besides hanging out at the house. I decided that we needed to put up the Christmas lights, so we completed that task, and this weekend I plan on getting most of the Christmas decorations up. Yes, I know it is not even Thanksgiving yet, but having two kids keeps your weekends busy! I for casted that this would be the only free weekend that I sorta have available (not counting the UofA game) that we have free, and it helps that my parents are going to be here to help with the kids.
So updates on the kiddos:
Evan - talking up a storm!! He definitely is going to be our defiant child, his favorite word now is "no." even when it doesn't make much since to say no.... He has been spending more time in "time out" than usual but I think he is just going thru that stage. He has become obsessed with Buzz and Woody, we watch Toy Story 3 every night, and the part in the beginning where they are riding on a train... that is his favorite part so he ask us to "rere" - rewind it to the train part over and over again. He is also counting to 10 and we are working on the ABC's we definitely have the beginning and the end.. the middle he likes to skip. He loves singing the Happy Birthday song whenever a candle, fire or anything that looks like it is fire is lit, and usually he likes for us to sing it with his name in the song. Still enjoys playing golf, and watching airplanes, but since football is on TV the most, that is the sport that he is playing the most of...
Parker - crawling so fast! He is keeping up with his brother for sure. He is already standing up on things and loves to have you hold his hands and pretend to walk. Evan tries to help but usually he falls because he is going to fast. Parker still smiles no matter what you do, if you are looking at him and saying his name he will smile back at you. He is definitely our sunshine!! He is so funny he makes noises constantly and when I say noises they are loud and go on for hours. Especially at dinner when he gets excited that's when the real noises come out. He is trying to talk... some say he says dadda but that's not for sure yet...
Coming up - Evan's 2nd birthday party - Santa is going to come and visit!
Lot's is going on around our house - I hope everyone is enjoying the fall season! God Bless,
I'll add pictures later!